Saturday, March 14, 2015

Reflection: Wedding Photos

I have been creating a photo book of my wedding photos. It has been really fun to reminisce about that day and our dating days.

Dave has been out of town lately and it has taken me back to my single days. I feel so lucky to have meet Dave and to enjoy being married to him!

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Washing Machine

Last week, Dave and I acquired a broken washing machine for FREE! This was made possible by our neighbors who asked us how to get rid of it (it has been sitting on their front porch quite some time) and then offered it to Dave, probably so he could scrap it. Dave is amazing and figured out what was wrong with it. We are not awaiting a part and crossing our fingers that it works.

We do have hook ups for a washer and dryer in our townhouse, but we have opted to go to the laundry mat for the last year. It worked out to be about the same amount of money. The laundry mat has provided a lot of entertainment and stories, but it would be quite nice to be able to wash those undies at home and stop gaining mass amounts of quarters.

Here's to hoping and waiting to see if this washer was meant to be ours.